Friday, 19th April 2024

Understanding Cancer From The Spiritual Perspective IV

The heart pumps blood to the lungs, where it drops off carbon dioxide (a waste product) in exchanged for fresh and life-giving oxygen for delivery to every cell in the body. In this way, the blood brings nourishment to all the cells, tissues and organs, especially the liver and the brain, which control every part of the body.

NaturalHealth 4-7-15 CopyCauses of Cancer EACH of the 140 trillion cells that make-up the human body must receive fresh supplies of oxygen and nourishments steadily to survive.

The heart pumps blood to the lungs, where it drops off carbon dioxide (a waste product) in exchanged for fresh and life-giving oxygen for delivery to every cell in the body. In this way, the blood brings nourishment to all the cells, tissues and organs, especially the liver and the brain, which control every part of the body.

Therefore, the blood must be “pure” and of right composition and needs to circulate freely to bring adequate nourishment, life and health.

The yet to be fully recognised blood radiation, which we are privileged to know today: “… form the bridge for the activity of the spirit on earth,” is dependent on the blood composition. Studies have shown that the composition of our blood and the chemistry of our body is determined by the type of food and drink we use for our nourishment, the air we breathe and all that we are exposed to, etc.

For the man of this computer-age, we can talk about “poisoned” blood or unfavourable blood composition and, therefore, insufficient or false radiation of the blood, which in turn suppresses the spirit and hinders its capacity to fully animate the physical body.

Discounting family history and genetic defects (which could be due to karmic burdens) all the physical causative factors of cancer known to the health scientists could be said to be due to “poisoned” blood or unfavourable blood composition that usually arises from chronic or excessive exposure to: Airborne carcinogen: tobacco smoke, asbestos, vinyl chloride, herbicides, aniline dyes, etc.

Household cleaners, organic solvents, fungicides, insecticides, pesticides, deodorizers and other harmful chemicals. Xenoestrogens (estrogen-like substances or estrogen mimics) in our environment, e.g. untreated plastics, man-made products, etc. Heavy metal: lead, mercury, cadmium, etc. Harmful radiations: x-rays, ionising radiations, ultraviolet radiations, high-voltage power lines, etc. Some viral infections: Hepatitis B, human papiloma virus, etc.

Food carcinogen: aflatoxins (in contaminated peanuts), pesticide residue, imitation foods, synthetic flavorings, refine sugars and colourants used in the food industries, polycyclic hydrocarbons (in barbecued meat), high-fat diet, deep fried foods, saturated fatty acids (in dietary fats) or hydrogenated fats, beef, pork, dairy products, poultry/eggs that are chemically grown, etc.

Alcoholism, some medication or drugs affecting Nucleic Acid, combined estrogen and progestin (HRT), analgesic, anti-inflammatory, some antibiotics, etc.

The life of the physical body (flesh), we are told, is in the blood and all the known mutagens (chromosome and gene-damaging agents), carcinogens (cancer- inducing agents) and other cell irritating toxic substances that gained access into the body via the bloodstream end up in the liver.

Among all the known carcinogens, mutagens and cell irritating toxins, tobacco smoke, which contains high levels of benzo (a) pyrene, nicotine, carbon monoxide, cadmium, hydrogen cyanide, etc has been found to be the worst enemy of the liver. A weak, sluggish, congested or diseased liver is easily overloaded with toxins and the chronic build up of these toxins triggers liver incapacity and insufficiency to deal with the cellular changes at the early stages of cancer development.

Other deadly substances in tobacco smoke include hydrogen cyanide, hydrogen sulphide, formaldehyde, ammonia, nitrous oxide, carbon dioxide, formic acid, benzene, cadmium, lead, nickel, etc.

The health implications of cigarette smoking and tobacco smoke have already been made known in the New Knowledge given to mankind more than 80 years ago: “… tobacco smoke hampers the normal development of many an organ in infants and children, especially the necessary firmness and strengthening of the liver, which is particularly important for every person, because when functioning in the right and healthy manner, it can prevent the establishment of a cancerous centre as the surest and best means of resistance to this plague.”

Studies have shown that the benzo (a) pyrene found in tobacco smoke damages the DNA molecules and turns normal cells into cancerous ones. Hydrogen cyanide is an extremely poisonous gas used as a lethal agent in capital punishment and has a direct toxic effect on the lungs.

Carbon monoxide is the most deadly of them all. When inhaled, it is combined with haemoglobin (Hb) in the blood to form carboxyhaemoglobin.

This complex compound interferes with the uptake of oxygen from the lungs and prevents their release into the tissues and cells where they are needed for metabolism. Every organ in the body is dependent upon fresh oxygenated blood. Many organs in the body become weak and insufficient in their activities and functions when they are regularly deprived of the life-giving oxygen.

When this happens on a daily basis, virtually all the organs in the body, namely the liver, kidneys, heart, stomach, brain, thyroid, eyes, etc are prevented from functioning optimally; hence disease may then start much later.

Studies have shown that the organ damaging effects of these poisonous substances (tar, nicotine and carbon monoxide) in tobacco smoke are worse in fetus, infants and children, whose organs are developing at a very fast rate. More so, their fetal blood has a very high affinity (more than 200 times than in adult) for these poisonous substances in tobacco smoke.

Among all the developing organs in infants and children, the liver is affected most by tobacco smoke, because it needs the highest concentration of oxygen to function optimally, especially at this foundational level of human life and physical existence. To be continued Depriving the fetus, infants and children of their fair share of oxygen, either through maternal active or passive smoking, amounts to strangulating and weakening many of the rapidly developing organs in these “innocent non-smokers.

” In this way, “the seat of many a disease under the scourge of which today’s humanity groans” is established. Most importantly, the liver is now known to occupy a key position in the fight against cancer.

Also, many health researchers are today aware that the liver is an efficient barrier that prevents the establishment of malignant growths in the body. Apart from desecrating or polluting the entire delicate maternal body and affecting her overall health, it damages the health of the fetus (the yet unborn child) and the infant, and thus lays the foundation for the child’s future ill- health and well being.

It is a well known fact that a house built on a faulty foundation may apparently withstand harsh environmental factors for few years, but may yet collapse eventually. It is important to note that the cancer ‘seeds’ are usually planted silently, many years before and during puberty, when the cells are multiplying rapidly and are highly sensitive and most vulnerable to the effects of harmful exposure to chemicals, bad eating and drinking habits.

So far, we have been considering some of the physical causes of cancer. In the next articles, we shall be looking at some of the spiritual causes. To be continued